Whether you’re searching for an original and outstanding holiday idea, you’re digital nomad traveling the world; you’re after mile building for your sailing qualifications – you’re in the right place.
We offer cabin charter or, in other words, participation in the shared boat cruise. If it is your first contact with offshore sailing and you have doubts about what it is, what do we offer you may compare us to a little hostel floating on the seas and oceans.
We’ve got our plan that we need to follow, and we’d like you to be part of it. Should you decide to join us for a week or two – it will usually be part of some bigger plan and longer journey. We encourage you to explore our website and have a look at our schedule – maybe the romance of sailing will attract you so much that you’d like to stay with us longer?
Our plans this year consist of a mix of sailing cruises in Scotland, Faroe Islands, England, Portugal, Morocco, and the Canaries.
Most importantly, cruises vary and are different. But we offer both: those which are typical mile builders and in the course of your weekly journey you’ll spend 24 hours on the shore, but as well those where you’ll spend 24 hours sailing and remainder will be just sightseeing, fun, fishing or whatever else you’d like to do.
To choose the right type of trip for you – make sure you have a look at the detailed description of the cruises on our web. We need to meet your expectations.
If you couldn’t find the answer to your question on our website – feel free to get in touch with us.
Price includes:
- Membership in Offsail Sailing Club – one off payment included in price
- Cost of permanent crew members: skipper is RYA Qualified Yachtmaster Offshore
- Berth in double cabin (ask for single occupancy), nobody sleeps in saloon
- Insurance: casco, third party liability, accident insurance
- Bed linens
- Access to all amenities on the yacht
- Sailing training which consists of practical elements of: terrestrial navigation, electronical navigation, helming, harbour maneuvers (you have the option to moor the boat), safety at sea, pilotage, seamanship, IRPCS, weather planning etc.
- Cleaning after your cruise
- Cooking gas
Price does not include:
- Food
- Fuel
- Harbour Fees
- Travel insurance
- Transportation to and from cruise
Food, fuel and harbour fees are calculated as per actual consumption Usually it is a cost of approximately 50 – 70 EUR / per week / per person.
Additionally, if you wish:
- Unique opportunity of arranging the trip and passage as trainee captain / co-captain. You’ll be supervised and coached by our experienced captain. It is an RYA approved way of building your sailing portfolio necessary for Yachtmaster Offshore exams.
- Training in maneuvering the yacht in the close quarters – three hours of individual practice in docking techniques
- Single cabin service – in this case, there will be nobody but you in your cabin
I won’t rip you off if you go for any of those.
We offer several discounts for those who’d like to sail more frequently with us.
All participants of the journey are treated like a crew while the vessel is at sea. During long passages, you’ll be navigating the yacht, standing at the helm, or lookout and prepare food for all the other members of the trip. It’s all part of the sailor’s life experience.
Mile building cruises
W zasadzie każdy system (czy to PZŻ czy RYA), w którym chciałbyś zdobyć żeglarskie kwity, poza stosownymi szkoleniami,wymaga odbycia określonej ilości stażu na morzu. Tej praktyki nie zastąpi żadne szkolenie, ani żadna teoria. Warto również odbyć ją z różnymi kapitanami i na różnych akwenach.
Staż morski potwierdzany jest ‚Opinią z Rejsu’ dokumentem, który jest konieczny do uzyskania patentów: Sternika Morskiego oraz Kapitana Jachtowego. Opinie z rejsów (plus wpis do ‚logbooka’) są również uznawane przez Royal Yachting Association jako dostateczny dowód odbycia wymaganego stażu. Poniżej znajdziesz przegląd wymogów systemu zarówno polskiego jak i brytyjskiego. Po każdym z moich rejsów otrzymasz opinię, z którą będziesz mógł się ubiegać o stopnie żeglarskie.
Wymogi stażowe dla stopni żeglarskich PZŻ:
Jachtowy Sternik Morski: przynajmniej 200 godzin na morzu w minimum dwóch rejsach
Kapitan Jachtowy: 1200 godzin w przynajmniej sześciu rejsach. W tym: 400 godzin samodzielnego prowadzenia rejsów, 100 godzin na wodach pływowych, 100 godzin na jachcie o długości powyżej 20 metrów. Patent Jachtowego Sternika Morskiego.
Podczas moich rejsów istnieje możliwość poprowadzenia samodzielnego rejsu pod nadzorem, jako ‚kapitan – stażysta’. Więcej na temat stażu kapitańskiego i jego programu możesz poczytać poniżej.
Wymogi stażowe dla stopni RYA – wybór najważniejszych
Ścieżka RYA jest dość złożona i składa się z kilku ‚potwierdzeń umiejętności’, a potem ‚certyfikatów kompetencji’. Anglicy nie liczą godzin, tylko mile i dni spędzone na morzu.
Brytyjskie stopnie to: Competent Crew, Day Skipper, Coastal Skipper, Yachtmaster Coastal, Yachtmaster Offshore, Yachtmaster Ocean. Do poziomu Coastal Skippera, wymogi stażowe są rekomendowane jako tzw. praktyczne doświadczenie przed szkoleniem. W przypadku Yachtmasterów jest to wymagany staż, który trzeba odbyć, przed przystąpieniem do egzaminu.
Day Skipper: 5 dni na morzu, przynajmniej 100 mil morskich i cztery godziny nocnego pływania.
Coastal Skipper: 15 dni na morzu, przynajmniej 300 mil morskich, dwa dni jako skipper jachtu i 8 godzin nocnych.
Yachtmaster Coastal: 30 dni na morzu, 800 mil morskich, dwa dni jako skipper jachtu i 12 godzin nocnych. Przynajmniej połowa stażu na wodach pływowych.
Yachtmaster Offshore: 50 dni na morzu, 2500 mil morskich, minimum pięć przelotów powyżej 60 mil morskich, z których dwa miały nocne pływania. Pięć dni jako prowadzący jacht.
Yachtmaster Ocean: musisz mieć YM Offshore, a także pasaż o długości co najmniej 600 mil morskich, który trwał minimum 96 godzin i na dystansie 200 mil morskich jacht znajdował się co najmniej 50 mil od najbliższego naniesionego na mapę obiektu.
Do wymogów stażowych dochodzą jeszcze inne wymogi dotyczące egzaminów, a także innych certyfikatów i szkoleń. Chętnie Ci o tym poopowiadam, jeśli się ze mną skontaktujesz. Podpowiem Ci również, do której szkoły żeglarskiej pójść, żeby zrobić sobie szkolenia i certyfikaty RYA, nie wydać fortuny i się przy okazji nie denerwować.
Staż kapitański, samodzielne prowadzenie rejsu
For most of the sea – going sailors there are two most difficult moments: to go for the first cruise ever, and to take command of the the sea going vessel.
Preparation of the trip and amount of the things to remember may appear overwhelming, hence it’s good to do it under supervision of someone more experienced.
On the trips offered by me, you’ll have the opportunity to become skipper – and I’ll help you not to forget the most important stuff.
As part of the internship you’ll learn:
- How to prepare a passage plan
- How to make a safety briefing for the crew
- How to set up watch schedule
- How in practice do you operate the radio
- How to do yacht check prior to the departure
- You’ll train harbour manouvers and docking techniques
- You’ll learn as well how to run a happy boat, so that people will actually enjoy participating in the journey
- Do some terrestrial and blind navigation
Condition – you need to have at least RYA Day Skipper or equivalent to use this service
Other services
Out of the sailing season – between December and April, I am available for the provision of the other sailing-related service. Those include:
- Delivery trips anywhere in the world
- Skippered charters worldwide
- Assistance in purchase of the sailboats – I am not surveyor, but can do research for you and deal with brokers
- Ground classes /training – in English and Polish
- I can help with the renovation/repair of the sailboats
Feel free to get in touch with me.
Wise Man on the Boat
Maybe not modestly named, but it is absolutely unique thing among all sailing / cruising providers. Completely free of charge my brain is yours, the only two things you’ll need to do is to take part in the trip and tell me your business pains and struggles. In the middle of the night, when boat will cut waves and wind will howl, we’ll have a cup of tea and discuss those.
My story
I had a great privilage to work in one of the most successful Europe’s airline – Wizz Air. I’ve spent many years and working with really fantastic colleagues I’ve learnt a lot. My path there started as regular cabin crew and I finished being Senior Manager.
At the time when I worked for this company it was explosively growing start up, already big enough to start establishing processes and procedures which need to be established in corporate environment. I grew up in the story of the success that nobody in 2004 when the airline was founded by Mr. Jozsef Varadi, could ever believed.
Working this way was incredibly developing experience – I could touch on practically all areas of the business, because being constantly short on headcount, we were stretching ourselves way out of our original job descriptions. Amazingly developing experience.
Years that followed took me through other companies and industries: hospitality, IT, production, training and engagement. Some of those were led better, some of them worse. But in each and single one I’ve learnt something new.
My journey took me as well through five countries in which I lived in the last 10 years so I managed to see really a lot, and I am happy to share it with you.
What can I do for you?
Now, being skipper on board of my own vessel and running my own company I can confidently say that I can easily speak with you on many of your matters – and probably will be able to show you a bit different point of view on the issues you’re facing.
I can easily discuss with you matters related to:
Recruitment – on all levels, also high volume recruitment. I have personally held more than 300 interviews and wrote multiple job descriptions as well as have been running employee branding activities.
Employee engagement – I worked for a long time in an environment where we needed to find out ways of motivating and engaging employees having no budget or very little budget. Hence we needed to get creative. Let’s get creative together.
Launching the business – I have launched this sailing business, and so far have not bankrupted. I believe it is a good starting point. Also worked for a while in startup enviornment – can help with some ideas from this field as well.
Project management – I’ve been both participating and led really a LOT of projects, also IT ones – I have participated as a business owner in creation of at least two applications.
Employee performance measurement – I’ve made concept, led project and made live crew performance evaluation tool, which is still in use by Wizz. Can easily explain to you how to do such stuff.
Structural issues of rapidly growing businesses – this is my most favourite bit – I’ve been architect of at least four restructuring projects, and I’ve got full know how on how to approach those. It is especially appreciated for the business owners who have a feeling that they’re losing control over their own organization.
Leadership, succession and employee development – very important these days, and I love talking about it. If you don’t know how to grow leaders in your organization – come to me.
Career planning, future career development
… and many others…
Like I mentioned in the beginning – if you decide to come for a sailing cruise with me – you get all those absolutely free of charge. Ask as much as you can.
See you onboard.